We have come a long way in our understanding of addiction.
Though still much to be discovered, more than a century of scientific research has greatly advanced our knowledge of addiction, bringing us closer to the understanding of addiction and its complexity.
It is now widely accepted that addiction is a brain disorder instead of a moral shortcoming or a matter of personal preference.
When many people hear the term “addiction,” their mind generally leaps to substance abuse. Yet numerous studies confirm that addictions to drugs and alcohol follow a pattern similar to that of behaviours such as shopping and gambling.
There are various forms of addiction,
Long-term treatment is often the best way to achieve successful recovery. It’s an approach that should be taken seriously, as it can make all the difference in the outcome of someone’s recovery.
It can manifest itself in substance abuse, such as alcohol, drugs or nicotine; it can also be expressed through activities like gambling or shopping. In addition, some people may become dependent on relationships, activities or even eating.
Currently, drug rehabilitation specialists recognise two primary types of addiction.
- Addiction to drugs or other chemicals is commonly referred to as substance abuse dependency.
- Behavioural addiction is characterized by obsessive behaviour that’s of no real benefit, and can instead have a detrimental effect on your life.

Chemical dependency
A devastating condition that can cause untold damage to an individual’s life. It can lead to strained relationships, loss of employment, and financial ruin. Furthermore, it has the potential to jeopardize one’s health and well-being.
As Dan Wolf Director and head of psychology at our institution reiterates:
“The subject of chemical dependence is tricky to address as there are many questions and uncertainties surrounding chemical abuse, dependency, and addiction.”
The symptoms associated with this form of dependency are numerous. They may include:
- When someone is unable to control their behaviour due to cravings, it can impair their ability to be productive at work, maintain healthy relationships with family and friends, and take care of themselves.
- Substance users soon find themselves needing increasing amounts of the drug to get the same result..
- If you find yourself unable to obtain the drugs you need, it can be distressing. The feeling of uneasiness can be hard to cope with.
- Dangerous activities can put people at a great risk. Taking potentially dangerous drugs while engaging in hazardous tasks can be life-threatening.

Behavioural Addiction
A type of addiction that is exhibited through behaviour. It’s different from substance abuse in that it relates to behavioural patterns, not physical ones.
Warning signs of behavioural addictions can vary, but some of the typical ones are difficulty controlling the behaviour, neglecting other activities, continuing despite negative consequences, increased tolerance and withdrawal symptoms:
- No matter the consequences, you find yourself continually drawn to it, impacting your life, job and connections negatively.
- Used as a technique to deal with depression, anxiety, and other difficult situations.
- It can be hard to kick a habit, particularly when people are in denial or not truthful about how much time they devote to it.
When an individual decides to take on the challenge of dealing with an addiction, this is key to the understanding of addiction and they can reap the rewards of long-term treatment.
This type of care has been shown to be most effective in helping to overcome addictions, as it provides the necessary time and resources to make a permanent shift in one’s life. With this approach, one can develop the skills and strategies needed to maintain a sober lifestyle over time.
According to Alex Hamlyn Founder and director of Houghton House and First step
“Some individuals can succeed with short-term rehabilitation treatment, however, for those with serious chemical or behavioural dependencies the advantages of long-term therapy surpass those of a brief treatment program.”
Modifications in brain structure and chemistry and the understanding of addiction
Subtle yet impactful, set the stage for addiction as changes happen slowly, but powerfully to modify how people think and behave. Pinpointing and getting rid of unhealthy thought processes is key to achieving and sustaining full recovery from addiction.
Furthermore, there may be deeper-rooted reasons for addiction, such as stress, trauma, or a mental health condition. Addressing these issues and mastering methods of managing anxiety, desires, emotions and physical pain are essential to the journey towards recovery and understanding of addiction.
It can take a while for addiction to manifest, and lengthy treatment is needed to thoroughly address underlying issues and create new habits that contribute to a successful recovery. With long-term rehab, patients can devote more time to their healing without the influences of everyday life getting in the way.
Understanding of addiction – In conclusion,
First Step Rehab offers a structured, supportive environment and personalised attention over an extended period, long-term residential treatment helps individuals foster positive behaviour changes an understanding of addiction and embrace healthier habits.
At First Step Rehab, we increase the chances of successfully continuing on your own after the programme ends by dedicating plenty of time to a routine setting. We help strengthen new habits and become a source of preparation for life ahead.
Contact us now at 079 770 7532 or: See below for a link to our contact us page for more info or help.