New Year New Me – Recovery Now!

We believe in a better tomorrow, one where every day counts.
Recovery Now! What Counts is Today!

From experience, New Year’s resolutions are difficult to stick with. Some have worked, but some lasted only a month or less. It would be fantastic if staying clean would take place just as easily as you making a New Year’s Resolution. But we all know that recovery now usually doesn’t work out that way.

Challenges to you trying recovery now!

  1. Everyone knows they should exercise more, but time is limited.
  2. Everyone thinks about eating a healthier diet.
  3. Everyone could be nicer and have a better atmosphere, better relationships, and happier lives.
  4. Try to make work something to be excited about, not something that stinks. You’ll get everything you want without it being hard work.

There are no hard and fast statistics about how many people make a New Year’s resolution to recover now. There is even less data about how many are able to stick to the recover now plans they set.

denial stopping taking drugs is not easy

The central pillars in your recovery now

One of the central pillars in 12-step recovery is recognizing that your sobriety date is a celebration. It’s when you can take stock of your recovery now, your past year and what you have to celebrate.

When I looked back, New Year’s resolutions did have an impact on my recovery. In December, there was money everywhere, but after the holidays I had no choice but to stop spending. It was only in January that my circumstances forced me to take a path I wasn’t ready to go down

When is the right time to recover?

So, what you’re really grasping for is whether or not it’s the right time for you to make a decision that will affect your life for decades. Maybe it’s outside influences, maybe it’s your own choice, but either way taking the step to attempt life after recovery is a big deal.

Starting Your New Year on the Right Foot

If you’re reading this article, it’s a good sign that you’re trying to find ways to market to your audience better. Here are some steps for doing so.

Quitting drugs is a day-by-day proposition. If you’re using them too heavily, the decision to stop doesn’t mean thinking of your future in terms of years or months. Start by looking at today. Do what you can today to stay clean, and build on that every day going forward.

Drugs and Alcohol can be beaten

Whenever drugs or alcohol control your life, it’s safe to assume that they have taken over most of the time you have available. This means you need to find other, healthier activities to fill that time. One good way to do this is by replacing old relationships with new ones. Or find an activity that you love and can dedicate plenty of time to. This may include having to find new friends or trying a new pastime like cooking or writing. Exercise and meditation may also be part of your future.

New Year New Me - Recovery Now!

New clean relationships.

One of the best things we do is help you to find new clean relationships.

While you may feel like you can free yourself from addiction simply by behavioral changes, the reality is that addiction is a disease and you need to get treatment. You’re not alone on this journey either; there are many other people trying to live with addiction. Find them and they’ll help!

To find other people in recovery, the first place to look is at a 12-step meeting. This includes meetings, which are available most evenings at First Step.

Treatment must meet your needs

We offer substance abuse treatment to meet your needs. For many people, this is a way to break free from addiction, and life can be fulfilling again. That’s why we’re here. All you have to do is ask for help!

The best way to celebrate your recovery is to tell everyone about it. The result could be that, in the years to come, you may be a part of the group of people who made New Year’s resolutions and then celebrates their Recovery Birthday on the first day of this new year.

Come to First Step Rehab’s outpatient evenings and share your success, your battles and your tribulations. We are there to listen, to help and to find like-minded people to get you through your recovery.
Contact us and get help now!

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