My Journey

A Very Grateful Addict.

I started my journey with Recovery & with the Houghton House group in May 2017, I had a wobbly start as they would say. A lot of stops/starts, Houghton House was the one place that never gave up on me and believed in me until I believed in myself. I did most of the programs that they offer and for me, the one program I had to do was their primary facility and continuous care after that, which I still do. Here I took a deep look inside and worked on myself, I still do this to date and will always: Just for Today.
Their program ties in seamlessly with the 12 Step Program & they know what works, it has worked for many years and many people, the program is simple & it works. It was not until I was really ready to do the hard work daily that I grasped this.

Aspen Halfway House

I also had the privilege to stay in Aspen, one of the halfway house’s they offer and this is where the magic happened. It was a safe place, where I had to meet expectations weekly and also could came home from a long day of work and people could related to me and I never felt alone because I was with likeminded people. Being a rebellious person of nature, I had to make an effort to comply with the rules and I did – this changed me for the better, I now understand rules and have applied all of them in my life after Aspen.

Houghton House Team

The whole team from the counsellors, staff, nurses and everyone else has one primary purpose- to carry a message of hope and a message that there is a new way of living in Recovery. I literally still have someone I can call 24/7 if I feel I’m in trouble. They always put the patient/client first and think of our best interest and know what works for me as an individual. I will never forget the day I decided to check in and go into Houghton House – this for me was a game-changer and where the magic started and still continues.

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